Plato's Plates and Apparition #1 #2 @ Art Appel Gallery, Athens
https://www.culturenow.gr/bloodline-omadiki-ekthesi-stin-art-appel-gallery/ https://www.athinorama.gr/texnes/3005444/desmoi-aimatos-apoka...

'Figure A' B-star winner at SFF
'Figure A' B-star winner at Swedenborg Film Festival which took place at Swedenborg Hall in Bloomsbury at the centre of London on the...

Figure A @ Lund International Fantastic Film Festival
The film 'Figure A' has been selected for Lund International Fantastic Film Festival and will screen Friday the 21st of October from 7pm....

'Figure A' at Cinesonika 5
'Figure A' is set to premiere at Cinesonika 5 on Saturday the 1st of October, which this year takes place at Ball State University,...

When filming the latest film project 'Figure A', in Cappadocia, I had decided to film on overcast days because of the particular quality...