Karin Gunnarsson Nomura is a Swedish artist and photographer, who works across various media to create evocative visual narratives that explore the complex relationship between surface and interiority. Through photography and film, the artist delves into the psychological and physical dimensions of the human experience, examining how identity and transformation are reflected in both the external world and the inner self.
The work often navigates liminal states, exploring the spaces between the known and unknown, the mythical and the real, to evoke a deeper understanding of the self and its place in the world. With an international exhibition history, Karin Gunnarsson Nomura’s practice is marked by a commitment to blending the conceptual with the visceral, offering viewers a thought-provoking journey into the intersection of body, mind, and culture.

MA Photography
Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2009
BA(hons) Fine Art
Sir John Cass School of Art, London, UK, 2000
'One Soul in Between Worlds', OCO Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
'It`s not a cultural showcase, but a window to the soul',
Immigration Museum Tokyo, Tokyo Biennale, Tokyo, Japan
'Bloodline', Art Appel Gallery, Athens, Greece
Swedenborg Film Festival, London, UK
Lund International Fantastic Film Festival, Lund, Sweden
Cinesonika 5, Muncie, USA
Tokyo Women`s University, Tokyo, Japan
Artspot Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Art Book Fair, Tokyo, Japan
'Apparition', Summerhall, Edinburgh, Scotland
'Figure Touch', Kahaila, London, UK
Babayan Culture House, Ibrahimpasa, Turkey
The Lab Film Festival , London, UK
Cinesonika 3, Derry, Northern Ireland
'Wonder of Women' (group), Photoville, New York, USA
Dentaid Auction, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
'Skin & Stories', 10 Gales Gallery, London, UK
'Some time in my garden', Ketchum Pleon, London, UK
Resovison, Resonance FM, Frieze Art Fair, London, UK
'Shadow of a doubt' (group), Galerie Michel Journiac, Paris, France
'Surfacing' (group) 12 Star Gallery, European Commission, London, UK
Prix Leica, Shortlisted
Mangroup Prize , Shortlisted
'Invade my privacy' (group), University Women`s Club, London,UK
'Life is only half the story' (group), Christchurch, London, UK
Deviant festival, Konsthallen, Trollhattan, Sweden
Charing X Gallery, London, UK
Gallerij Maasters, Amsterdam, Netherlands
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